Ranger Derby Registration Ranger Derby Name: (First Last) * Age: Division: (Check one Below) * Ranger Kids (K-2nd grade) Discovery (3rd-5th grade) Adventure/Expedition (6th-12th grade) Powder Puff (Girls Only Age 18 & younger) Leader / Adult Male (Male 19 yrs and above) Leader / Adult Female (Female 19 yrs and above) Outpost#: * 7 First Assembly of God Montgomery12 Evangel Church Montgomery71 First Assembly of God Clanton181 Hunting Ridge CoG Prattville Senior Commander’s Name: Benny CunninghamBill LeMasterJosh PhillipsJoe Andrews Chartered * Yes No Is This Car for Show Only: * Yes No Did the Entrant do the Majority of the Work? * Yes No If you are human, leave this field blank. Submit